Hold a yard sale to earn money fast and get rid of things you no longer need or use. Advertise in the classified section of your newspaper and also place signs around your neighborhood. Clearly mark prices on all items and offer to haggle or bargain with customers. Draw even more people to your sale by giving them examples of what you're offering, such as electronics or baby clothes.
Pawn some of your more expensive items at a local pawn shop. Pawn shops give you a certain amount of money for your items and a ticket. If you return within a given amount of time and payback the amount, you're given back your things. Pawn shops also buy items and your best bet is pawning jewelry, tools or electronics.
Share yourself. If you're a healthy adult, you can donate blood for money approximately once every two months. You can also sell sperm, eggs, hair, and breast milk. In many cases these things will go to people in need - such as hospital patients and infertile couples. Your donation will not only make you money, but can be used to help make or save a life. Giving blood can be one of the fastest ways to earn money quickly, but it's also less money than some of the other opportunities listed here.
These are but a few of the "easy money" opportunities out there. Depending on your location and your unique skills, you might be able to think up even better ideas of things to do for money. Don't forget that saving extra money will help you keep your pockets lined with cash too. Pinch pennies whenever possible - they'll add up! Hope this article has given you some pointers on how to earn fast money.
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